Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011♥~

Although it is a bit late,but still, Happy New Year!!!! Hope everyone has a great and prosperous year.For all the unhappy and sad events in 2010,just let it past and move forward all the happy and memorable events to this new year.Don't forget every single feelings you have in 2010,they ll be a great memory in the future=),and also,start this year with a smile=)May 2011 full of joy and happiness ya~~

Recently kinda busy,busy moving house before 2011 coming~Now can consider settle almost everything already but there is other thing for me to deal with~~however,currently i am consider free compare to others,most of my friends and family start new semester and a brand new chapter of school life today....which means i have to stop killing time doing nothing and perhaps do something useful,at least i don't want waste my very limited time in my sweet home before going back to nz..... was just like yesterday when i just back to my hometown but i know it wasn't as i had already spent lots of precious moments with my love ones.Looking forward to Chinese New Year but i don't want it to come so fast.After CNY=almost time to go back=have to start countdown for holiday...Anyway,don't think so much,most important is precious every moments,hehe...

May wishes come true and everyone can achieve what they strive for,all the best and good luck ya=)A better year,a better me,that's what i hope^^


  1. For the first time ever in my life, I feel sad that the holiday is gonna end soon. =(

    Like what you have once told me, even doing nothing at home is a happy thing to be cherished for hahaha....

  2. yaya,staying at home and spend time with the love ones is the best thing,hahahaha......miss u gege=)

  3. i won't bak till new year dy...

  4. oohh...many activities?ll miss u de=)
